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Anti-immigration Texas governor Abbott trucks migrants to New York

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The mayor of New York denounced that Greg Abbott, the anti-immigration Texas governor, is locking migrants in trucks to send them to his city.

Over the weekend, trucks arrived in New York with at least 68 migrants from the state of Texas. This was denounced by the mayor of that city who pointed the responsibility against Greg Abbott, Texas governor with a strongly anti-immigration stance.

Sadly, these are not surprising news, since similar practices have been implemented on other occasions by Abbott. But even so, it is still alarming, especially because there are doubts about whether the displacement is carried out of their own free will or if people are being forced to get on the trucks that transport them.

An anti-immigration campaign to force migrants out

Eric Adams, the current mayor of New York, has assured that a good part of the migrants who arrive in the sanctuary city under his command are forced to get on buses in Texas. However, the office of the Texas governor assures that people volunteer to undertake the trip to New York lands.

Abbott’s strategy is part of an anti-immigration campaign in retaliation to the immigration policies implemented by current President Joe Biden. Since the beginning of this year, it is estimated that more than 135 trucks have arrived in the city, transporting a total of more than 5,000 immigrants.

There is a fierce political battle going on between Texas and the state of New York. But in the middle, as always, there are people. The sending of thousands of people in trucks from Texas to New York is nothing more and nothing less than the reflection of a struggle between relatively pro-immigration policies and strongly anti-immigrant tendencies.

To counter the Biden administration’s pro-immigration measures, Abbott began busing hundreds of immigrants earlier this year. Since then, more than 5,100 immigrants have been transferred from the state of Texas in more than 135 vehicles.

As reprehensible as it may seem, the practice that Greg Abbott is carrying out does not surprise almost anyone. The Republican Texas governor is recognized for being a fierce critic of the current administration’s immigration policies and a strong defender and ally of former President Donald Trump.

“If Mayor Adams wants a solution to this crisis, he should ask President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border, something the president continues to fail to do.”

Said Governor Greg Abbott.

How many migrants were actually forced out of Texas?

Many of the people were really happy and relieved to be in New York. But that was not the case for everyone. Although until now it has not been determined if there was freedom of choice or if it was a forced trip, what is certain is that in many cases confusion reigned.

Several families said that they had relatives in other cities and that they did not want to go to New York but to reconnect with their loved ones in other parts of the country. But apparently, this was not allowed and they were sent directly to the city commanded by Eric Adams. Others stated that they were not clearly informed about the fate that awaited them.

In any case, until the federal government doesn’t take a strong and clear political stance on this issue, the anti-immigration agenda of many republican lawmakers and governors will keep pushing many migrants against the ropes, damaging their relationships, their security and their livelihood.

If you are in need of immigration legal advice, do not hesitate to contact us! At the Law Office of Shelle-Ann Simon we have wide experience in immigration proceedings, family law, and personal injury and have successfully defended our clients for over 10 years. Contact us through our website or give us a call at 281-606-0800!

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